A Daily Word From God began in 2025, but the idea started two years prior.
Two sisters, Rachel and Leah, wanted to find a way to encourage others to read the Bible and learn about Jesus.
February 1, 2025, Rachel, Leah, and Leah's friend, Amy invited many friends to be a part of a daily Bible reading. By the end of the day, women in 9 states agreed to join the reading.
A Daily Word From God was born.
Each month, we will post verses to read daily.
There will be a different theme each month.
For example, the theme for March 2025 is Peace.
The Daily reading will be 1 - 8 verses.
Besides the daily verses, there will be inspiring and heartfelt personal stories that will be shared by women from across the United States.
Please join us each month.
God bless you.
If you have any questions or would like to contact us, please feel free to email us at: